
Welcome to whereareweagain.com.

When I’m not on the road myself, I love to talk with others about it. I interview friends and colleagues about their experiences as a touring musician or crew member.

Being on tour is a strange phenomenon. Sometimes it’s wild, sometimes it’s bleak. Sometimes it feels like you’re experiencing the best days of your life — on others, you’d quite like to go home. On particularly fatigued days, you genuinely turn to others and ask, “Where are we again?!” It’s romanticised and glamourised by our culture, recaptured in films and documentaries. The stereotypes of being on tour become a self-fulfilling prophecy; we are taught that it is the place to party, have fun, be uninhibited and find new friends to eat pizza rolls with. And really, it is. For me, it’s addictive and it feels like home.

So, you dive in and make stories to tell your grand-kids. Or, a blog.

And who the bloody hell am I? I’m Vicky Warwick, a musician from the UK, now living in Los Angeles. Alongside playing bass for various artists, I also write for Bass Guitar Magazine. If you’d like to get in touch you can email me at hello@whereareweagain.com.